As it is my hope that this knowledge and method of therapy will reach as many people as possible,
it is permitted to pass the method on to others - just so long as no changes are made.

It is also permitted and free to translate this booklet and question program into any language whatsoever.
Alternative technical approaches may be taken towards the program so long as the question technique remain unchanged.

You may also name and price such programs yourself.
Such programs should simply state:
Based on TankeRevision® or ThoughtRevision® by Bjorn Dean Petersen.

The questions and sequence of questions can be found on pages 8-14 of this booklet and in these JSON files:

If you make use of this offer, you do so entirely at your own risk and liability.
I can and will not be held liable in any way for adverse consequences that may arise.

If you have any suggestions as to how the method could be changed,
I ask that you contact me so that I can review your proposal and we can discuss it.

Kind regards

Bjorn Dean Petersen
Lyngdal 21, Gl. Rye
DK - 8680 Ry
Tel: +45 86898510 / +45 24835449
